PIGCSE Biology 0610 Paper 4 Topical Theory with Mark Scheme 2013-2022 by Aslam Shahzad (Aitchison)
Topic 1: Characteristics and Classification of living Organisms 4
Topic 2: Organisation of The Organism 57
Topic 3: Movement in and Out of Cells 71
Topic 4: Biological Molecules 96
Topic 5: Enzymes 104
Topic 6: Plant Nutrition 118
Topic 7: Human Nutrition 165
Topic 8: Transport in Plants 238
Topic 9: Transport in Animals 289
Topic 10: Diseases and Immunity 339
Topic 11: Gas Exchange in Humans 376
Topic 12: Respiration 402
Topic 13: Excretion in Humans 422
Topic 14.1: Coordination and Response 451
Topic 14.2: Sense Organs 470
Topic 14.3: Hormones 488
Topic 14.4: Homeostasis 497
Topic 14.5: Tropic Responses 512
Topic 15: Drugs 524
Topic 16.1 : Reproduction and Plants 531
Topic 16.2 : Sexual Reproduction in Humans 561
Topic 17: Inheritance 611
Topic 18: Variation and Selection 670
Topic 19: Organisms and Their Environment 713
Topic 20: Human Influences on Ecosystems 777
Topic 21: Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 888