1 Cell Structure
1.1: The microscope in cell studies 6
1.2: Cells as the basic units of living organisms 14
2 Biological Molecules
2.2: Carbohydrates and lipids 66
2.3: Proteins 89
2.4: Water 99
3 Enzymes
3.1: Mode of action of enzymes 116
3.2: Factors that affect enzyme action 121
4 Cell Membranes and Transport
4.1: Fluid mosaic membranes 206
4.2: Movement into and out of cells 219
5 The Mitotic Cell Cycle
5.1: Replication and division of nuclei and cells 244
5.2: Chromosome behaviour in mitosis 250
6 Nucleic Acid and Protein Synthesis
6.1: Structure of nucleic acids and replication of DNA 314
6.2: Protein synthesis 334
7 Transport in Plants
7.1: Structure of transport tissues 370
7.2: Transport mechanisms 385
8 Transport in Mammals
8.1: The circulatory system 488
8.2: Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide 516
8.3 The heart 540
9 Gas Exchange
9.1: The gas exchange system 606
10 Infection Diseases
10.1: Infectious diseases 648
10.2: Antibiotics 719
11 Immunity
11.1: The immune system 758
11.2: Antibodies and vaccination 775
Feb 2022 Paper 830